GSoC 2019 - Week 5
29 Jun 2019This was the fifth week meeting with the GSoC mentors which was scheduled on Saturday 29th June, 2019 between 11:30 - 12:30 PM (IST). Me, Yathartha and Amit were the attendees of the meeting. I passed my first evaluation, Amit gave his feedback and told me some very important points to take notes on. I do personally believe that his suggestions are the best a mentor could gave to his student after practicing his suggestions in my real life.
- Discussing previous week’s progress
In this meeting both mentors suggested me to work upon the code improvements and documentation improvement. And make it more readable to user. ALthough somehow @smichr had some doubts on the logic that we were implementing. Although a lot of progress has been there. So I decided to create and discussion for thinking new logic for implementing Lambert all solutions and work on the current PR as goes on.
Next week goals
Improving existing PR for Lambert
PR also -
If time left then find plan for Imageset Union.
Code improvement takes time!!
Follow @jmig5776